Bibi and Mini Me Bush Dog Park
4129 Spring Creek Drive
Spring, TX 77373
Maintained by:
Est. 2011
Hours of Operation:
8 am - Dusk
5.5 acres (big dogs)
.5 acres (small dogs)
6 acres total
Mulch, with gravel paths
.28 miles of walking trails
.18 miles (big dogs)
.1 miles (small dogs)

Separate areas for large and small dogs
Doggie water fountains
Misting devices
Waste stations
Shade trees
Dog shower stations
Walking paths
Water Fountain
Restrooms outside park, within walking distance
Wheelchair accessible
The Bibi and Mini-Me Bush Dog Park, Harris County Precinct 4's first dog park, opened at Pundt Park in 2011. The park was named after two dogs of former President George H.W. Bush and First Lady Barbara Bush. The First Lady, Bibi and Mini Me were all present for the grand opening of the park.

Dog Park Rules
Use of the dog park is at your own risk.
Harris County is not responsible for any accidents or injuries to dogs or humans.
Dogs must be at least four months old, with current vaccinations and license tags worn at all times.
All dogs must be healthy and free of contagious diseases and parasites.
No more than two dogs per person during a visit.
Guardians are responsible for picking up after their dogs; bags are located at the pet stations.
No other animals are permitted - dogs and humans only.
Children under nine years old are not recommended, and must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian while in the dog park.
Guardians must be in the dog park and monitor/control their dog(s) at all times.
Dogs must be leashed when exiting and entering the dog park.
Guardians must have a leash for each dog while in the dog park.
Any dog displaying aggressive behavior must be removed immediately.
Dogs in season/heat are not allowed.
Dogs are not permitted to dig holes, and accidental holes must be filled in by the guardian.
Please leave all food, drinks, solid dog chews, etc. outside the dog park.
Training (edible) treats are permitted.
Please pick up after yourself (cigarette butts, litter, etc.), as well as your dog.
Please be considerate of neighbors and other park visitors by quieting noisy dogs.
Please wash/rinse dogs on concrete washing pads only.
Follow all regular park rules.
To report aggressive dogs or service concerns please call 281-353-8100.
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